FEBRUARY 7 – Reading 38

by Tim Satryan | February 7

(Exodus 30:1 – 32:35)

The next day Moses said to the people, “You have sinned a great sin. And now I will go up to the LORD; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.”  So Moses returned to the LORD and said, “Alas, this people has sinned a great sin. They have made for themselves gods of gold. But now, if you will forgive their sin—but if not, please blot me out of your book that you have written.” But the LORD said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me, I will blot out of my book. – Exodus 32:30-33

You’ve seen it many times – “Buy now, pay later”! These are the words on the advertisement. Appealing to your immediate wants and desires, the seller promises to deliver what you want now, while postponing the payment into the distant future. And, many folks do just that, without even thinking about the consequences of their decision.

God’s people did just that. They had interacted with Moses many times, and promised to listen to God and serve God forever. But, when Moses was absent for what they perceived as a long time, they grew impatient. And, so they created their own “god” out of melted gold. They were immediately gratified, and literally worshiped what they had created by their own hands. And it cost them dearly. Over three thousand of them lost their lives.

Fast forward to today. Many people who have received Christ as their Savior later make decisions that are anything but Christ-like. They mistakenly think that because they are saved, that their errant choices won’t matter. But, nothing could be further from the truth. Your sin may be forgiven, but the consequences of your actions will still exist!

Each day, you need to consider the cost of what you do! As a young man, this verse of scripture was daily drilled into my life – “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14) Your choices matter. Your decisions count. You need to live for God… on purpose!

Let’s pray…

Lord, lead me by Your Spirit in all that I think and all that I choose to do. Help me to not be distracted by my carnal desires, but rather to walk according to the principles in Your Word. Keep me from creating any “golden calves” in my life, choosing rather to make following You my priority.

About our Author

Tim Satryan has been in full time ministry since 1980. He has served five churches in four states. He has also served as the District Youth and Music Director for the PennDel Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God, was the Presbyter for the state of Delaware for over a decade, and for a number of years traveled with the AG Church Multiplication Network, teaching church planting and church revitalization.

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