FEBRUARY 17 – Reading 48

by John Christian Pra | February 17

(Leviticus 20:1 – 22:33)

“Consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy, for I am the LORD your God. Keep my statutes and do them; I am the LORD who sanctifies you.” – Leviticus 20:7-8

Deep within all of us, there is a desire to be made holy. A desire to be complete, whole, perfect, without blemish or stain. To be set apart and made new. 

But there is a battle against that deep desire that stems from within us as well. A desire to be like the world around us, to gratify the lustful pursuits of our heart, to conform to the culture we live in. 

When God called His people out of Egypt, it was not only to free them from their captivity to an oppressive nation, but also to free them from their captivity to themselves. The call to be holy is not just to be separated from the world, but separated from our sinful nature. 

So how does that actually happen? Here in Leviticus, the Law is presented as the way to live holy and righteous. Following the Law is the prescribed pathway to blessing and freedom in life with God.

The call from God Himself is be holy, for I am holy. Follow my commands and you will find life. 

However, numerous times throughout Leviticus we also see God claim that He is the one “who sanctifies you.” To sanctify something is to make it holy. 

Now, which is it? Do we make ourselves holy, or does God? Is it by obeying His commands or is there another way?

Today, the call to holiness remains the same. But the means of holiness has shifted. While we are still called to a life of obedience to the commands of God, our holiness does not stem from following an outward law like in the Old Testament. Now, holiness comes from an inward change that can only come through a life-changing encounter with Jesus. 

If you desire to be holy today, do not look at the Law to fulfill your desire. Look to Jesus. 

In Scripture, we see the Law is good and is holy (Romans 7:12), but it lacks the power to make us holy. The Law was meant to lead us to Jesus and open our eyes recognize our need for Him. 

Holiness comes not through law-keeping, but through Jesus. “I am the One who sanctifies you.” 

Think about it. Pray about it.

  • When you read through Leviticus, do you feel a sense of condemnation?
  • How does reading Leviticus point you to Jesus?
  • Ask Jesus to make you holy today as you live by the power of the Holy Spirit within you.

About our Author

John Christian Pra is a devoted husband to his lovely wife, Alina. Pastor JC is born and raised in Bergen County, spent some years in Virginia for college, and is back pursuing his calling where he grew up. Ever since the Lord changed his life, his heart’s desire has been to see people come to know the love of Jesus in a tangible way and live wholeheartedly for Him. Since 2022, John Christian has served as the Next Gen pastor at Transformation Life Church and during that time has had a longing to see generations of disciples be raised up and live passionately for Christ. During his time off, Pastor JC loves to spend time with his wife, eat delicious food, read good books, study God’s Word, play basketball, enjoy community, and brew delicious coffee.


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