January 16 – Reading 16

by Chris Rainey | January 16

(Genesis 48:1 – 50:26)

“The book that began with an image of God’s breath moving across the vast expanses of the primordial deep to bring the world and all life into being ends with an image of a body in a box, a mummy in a coffin.”  (from Robert Alter, The Five Books of Moses)

Many people have adopted a simple philosophy of life called “living in the moment.” In practice, it means to focus on what is happening right now rather than being distracted by the past or the future. It promises less worry, improved relationships, and increased happiness. However, it often actually delivers impulsive behavior, avoidance of problems, and failure to learn from the past.

In Genesis 50, Joseph is emotional over the death of his father Jacob, and then he takes his father’s body back to Canaan to the land of promise. This theme–death and burial–returns at the close of the chapter as Joseph himself dies after insisting on his deathbed that his bones also be returned to Canaan, where his patriarchal ancestors Abraham and Isaac were buried, and where he took his father Jacob to the family tomb Abraham had purchased in Canaan.  Despite God preserving his people in Egypt on multiple occasions, He made it clear that Egypt would not be a permanent destination for them. The patriarchs and Joseph understood the land of promise–Canaan–to be their new homeland, even though they had yet to possess it.  Egypt was their home of necessity due to circumstances, but a time would come in the distant future for them to leave, and Joseph’s instructions would not be achieved until over 400 years later. 

Sometimes it takes time for God’s providential plan to unfold, and those who insist on living in the moment will likely miss the opportunity to see God working over time in years, decades, or even as they plan where they want to be buried.


Ask that God will help you see his hand at work in how you ended up living where you do, and in the movement of your family in generations past.

About our Author

Chris Rainey is a learning technologies manager, bi-vocational Christian minister, writer/poet, corporate trainer, and curriculum developer. Chris is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and is a graduate of the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary with an M.Div in Christian Education and a BA in Bible from Evangel University. He is originally from Southern Illinois, but has now lived in Northern New Jersey for over 30 years. He enjoys reading, hiking, biking, swimming, watching Survivor, and the New York Mets. He resides with Marcia, his wife of over 40 years, and has three daughters and a grandson.


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