FEBRUARY 4 – Reading 35

by Tim Satryan | February 4

(Exodus 19:1 – 23:1-33)

“Moses said to the people, ‘Do not fear, for God has come to test you, that the fear of him may be before you, that you may not sin.’  The people stood far off, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.” – Exodus 20:20-21

Typical of most men, when I purchase some new item and open the box and excitedly remove the contents, I usually set the instruction manual aside. I will try to figure things out on my own. I will put it together as best as I can, or fiddle with the switches until I get things working as I think they should. And, if and when absolutely necessary – I will open the instructions… before I break something!

Too often, we go through life attempting to navigate our actions and decisions simply based on what we think is best for us. Our decisions become influenced by what we have seen around us in society, our family values, and our personal experiences. And, many times, those decisions end up not being the best choices.

God knew we needed an “instruction manual!” And, He gave one to us in His Word! The people of Israel had been experiencing the Egyptian society, and then by living in the wilderness. Through Moses, God provided His people with guidelines – an instruction manual, if you will – of how they should live their lives. To this day, we still hold these instructions in the highest regard, and call them the “Ten Commandments.”

It’s time for us all to stop making decisions “by the seat of our pants” so to speak, and begin living by the instruction book – God’s Word – the Bible!

Let’s pray…

Father, forgive me for trying to do things on my own instead of seeking Your guidance through Your Word. I commit myself today to begin to read and study “to show myself approved, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Help me to live every moment of my life according to the principles found in the Word of God.

About our Author

Tim Satryan has been in full time ministry since 1980. He has served five churches in four states. He has also served as the District Youth and Music Director for the PennDel Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God, was the Presbyter for the state of Delaware for over a decade, and for a number of years traveled with the AG Church Multiplication Network, teaching church planting and church revitalization.

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